About Us

Vision Statement

 “A welcoming and loving community

empowered by Jesus to serve”

Mission Statement

Engaging | Discipling | Sending

A Community of Faith, Love, & Service

Wooster Mennonite Church is a community of people who meet regularly for prayer, fellowship, worship, outreach, discipleship, and service. The congregation is affiliated with Ohio Mennonite Conference and Mennonite Church USA.

We seek to be a warm and supportive community that attenders and visitors can call home. If you are not already connected with a church community, please consider visiting us. You will be warmly welcomed and invited into our church family.

Please join us Sunday mornings! Our worship services include singing, prayer, and sermon. All are welcome!



 As a church family we…

  • Trust God.
  • Seek to be transformed through our faith in Jesus.
  • Rely on Scripture as our guide.
  • Embrace worship, fellowship, and outreach equally.
  • Practice radical hospitality.
  • Work for peace and for racial and social justice.
  • Accept and celebrate our difference.
  • Commit to dialogue when we disagree.
  • Foster intergenerational connections in our ever-extending family.


  • How do I become a member?

    Church membership formalizes the commitment between individuals and a local church body. Before making such a commitment to Wooster Mennonite, it is important that you have received Jesus Christ as your Savior and been baptized or that you are open to being baptized.

    If you are interested in becoming a member, contact the church office by phone, 330-262-3631. or email us at pastor@woostermennonite.com, and we can sign you up for the next Membership Class. If you decide at the end of the class to become a member, the Pastor will meet with you to discuss next steps with your involvement in the church.

  • How long has Wooster Mennonite existed?

    We were founded as a house church in 1942.  For more information about the history of our church, please see our “About Us” page.

  • What is baptism and how can I arrange for a baptism?

    Baptism is a celebration of a new relationship with God that is ours in Christ.  We recognize we have received a new identity as we renounce our old way of life and pledge to become a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ.  This new relationship is initiated by God and we receive it as a gift.

    Wooster Mennonite practices believer baptism. Child dedication services are also available. Baptism is rooted in faith in Christ and the grace of God. It signifies departure from the old life and beginning a new one, the life of a disciple.

  • How is Wooster Mennonite organized?

    Wooster Mennonite is organized around six ministry teams (Stewardship, Outreach, Community Life, Prayer & Care, Christian Formation and Worship). The six ministry teams receive oversight from the Elder Leadership Team, which is comprised of church members who are elected following a discernment process and a congregational vote.

  • Are children welcome in the worship service?

    We enjoy having children in our worship services very much.  We also offer childcare during the worship service to children up to four years of age and at times offer specific “children times” in worship services.

  • Can I / how do I rent Wooster Mennonite Church?

    Our facilities are available for rental.  The use must be compatible with Wooster Mennonite beliefs and social positions and appropriate for a church facility.  Contact the church office to check for facility availability and for a copy of the policy and rental form.

  • Can we have a funeral at Wooster Mennonite Church?

    Wooster Mennonite  wants to be there for you in your time of need, whether you are a member or not.  Our pastor and congregational community are committed to honoring the life of your loved one as well as bringing the hope and peace that is ours in Christ into the funeral service.  Specific arrangements need to be made through the pastor who is doing the service.

  • What are the church office hours?

    The building is open Monday – Friday 10am – 2pm.

  • Can I get married at Wooster Mennonite Church?

    Yes, you can.  Some churches require you to be members to get married in their church.  Wooster Mennonite doesn’t.  We welcome you to use our facilities and staff to make your wedding day a memorable experience.  To arrange a wedding, contact the church office at 330-262-3631 or email us at office@woostermennonite.org.  Premarital counseling sessions are required and weddings are performed with the understanding that couples who seek a church wedding desire a Christian service.

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