Ministry Teams

Ministry Teams are formed to serve particular areas of church life including worship, Christian formation, and stewardship. They work with Elder Leadership Team and the congregation in fulfilling the mission and vision of the church and draw upon the gifting, passions and callings of each of their members. Ministry teams receive funding from the church budget to support their ministry activities.

Christian Formation Team

The Christian Formation team coordinates educational activities that help the congregation grow in faith. They oversee Sunday school, youth programs, small groups, and events. Members recruit teachers, select curriculum, and arrange training. They aim to nurture faith development across all ages. Overall, the Christian Formation team strives to cultivate an environment where the congregation can mature spiritually.

Worship Team

The Worship team plans and leads the congregation's worship services, including music, visual elements, and technology. The team also recruits and schedules ushers, musicians, tech support, and other roles needed for worship. They work with the pastor on sermon themes and texts. The Worship team seeks to be spirit-led and supportive of worship experiences rooted in Anabaptist values. Overall, they coordinate the worship life of the congregation.

Elder Team

Focuses on the spiritual well-being of the congregation and support of the Pastor. In addition, the paid staff strive to equip the congregation for ministry and service.

In addition to the Elder Leadership Team, the paid staff strive to equip the congregation for ministry and service. The Pastor provides spiritual leadership, preaching, teaching, counseling, and vision.

Stewardship Team

The Stewardship team oversees the finances, facilities, and physical resources of the church. Members include the Treasurer and any from the congregation who are interested in managing church resources. They administer the annual budget and make financial reports. The team works with the Bookkeeper on accounting tasks. Overall, the Stewardship team strives to be good stewards of the financial and property gifts God has given the congregation.

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